Monday, March 10, 2008

End of Part 1

I think the change that happens at the end of part 1 for Wrights is good morally and mentally, but I am not sure if it is good logically. It is a good decision for him because he is getting out of the South. He no longer has to act how white people perceive him to be. He can be himself. He no longer has to try to read white’s minds, worry about someone killing him, or cover himself. He has the opportunity to make something of himself if he times it right.

However, when going to the North, Wright is not guaranteed a job and is taking another risk. It could be tough for a black man to get a job. White people might not hire him because they do not like the idea about how black people are coming north and are competing with white people for jobs. Even though it is the north, it does not mean there won’t be any discrimination or prejudices. He might not get as good as a job as he had at the optical company. There he made decent money and he made money to bring his brother and mom to Memphis.

1 comment:

Kendal said...


I agree with you that it was good for Wright to get out of the south because he never really "learned how to live in the south" as his friend said. When he was in the south his life was in danger. But now, he does not have to worry about what the white people are thinking, which is really good for him, since it was a problem. I did not think about the fact that it might be hard for him to find a job because people might not want black people to move north and take all the jobs. That is an interesting point, and that could definitely be a problem. Way to use some US history knowledge there! ;-) Overall, I enjoyed reading your blog and agreed with what you said. Good Blog.