Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arists and Politicians at Opposite Poles

If you apply Wright’s theory that artists and politicians stand at opposite poles to the communist part, then it is true. An artist would spend time thinking about life and how it worked. They would concentrate on the enhancements of life and then the politician would use this information. The politician would then organize people into different groups and if the artist’s information was not accurate or sufficient, then the politician would get upset. The artist would be striving for something not harmful, but something that would help explain things better to people. If the politician did not like it or agree with it, then he would think the artist as an enemy of communism.

Also, on a bigger scale, a writer writes what they see and view of life. They write their opinions and do not particularly change their thinking for the readers. Once they write something, it is permanent. They cannot change it and people will be able to read it. However, politicians typically say what they think their listeners want to hear. If they give speeches, they can change what they say from place to place just to get more people to like them and agree with their opinions.

1 comment:

Nick Randle said...

Katie, I agree with you and the blog you posted. Politicians and Artists are at different ends of the spectrum. The artist thinks about the way in which the world works and the meaning of life. Politicians can benefit from the artists, but artists can not benefit from the Politicians. Like you said in your last paragraph, artists state their own opinions and stick to them. However, some politicians will have their own ideas and opinions, but they will say whatever will get them the vote or appeal to their audience. I think that you make some very interesting points in this blog and I completely agree with them. The opposite poles at which these two groups stand are good. Everyone has their own style of dealing with life and people.