Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Comments on Commercials

I thought our class did a very good job making commercials. Everyone was creative and had a good time crafting a commercial. I really liked the commercial advertising hats and the one advertising bubble gum.

The hat commercial was done by Eli, Tony, Christina, and Jordan. Tony kept repeating how his company had 10,000 hats and each time he would get more and more excited. Each time he would repeat his line and would put more emphasis in his voice. This was funny and kept me interested. Also, I thought Eli was hilarious in the beginning by saying something like, “Oh Dee-Dee, it’s so cold out here… my head is going to freeze!” and when Tony came over and offered him a hat. I think this group did a nice job giving different situations where you would want one of their hats (in cold or sunny weather, for style, or for cheating on a test).

The other advertisement that I thought stood out today was the commercial for Bubblicious Bubble Gum. This commercial was done by Kendal, Derek, Malory, and Lauren. At the beginning of it, I was not sure what they were advertising since it took awhile to get into the commercial. But once they got into the commercial, it was funny. Before Kendal and Derek had their gum, they were dull and boring. However, once they popped a piece of gum in their mouth, they became alive. I liked how they closed their advertisement. They walked, strutted, and danced down an isle in the library. Once they got to the end of it, they put a gum package in front of the camera to advertise it. This was like what real commercials do for gum.


Nick Randle said...

Katie I completely agree with you about Tony, Eli, Christina, and Jordan’s group. They really sold their product well, and used a good style to present their product of hats. Tony, to me, was the selling point of their commercial. His constant repetitiveness drilled the thought of needing a hat into your mind. I also thought that Eli was quite funny as well. In the beginning he gained people’s attention by acting in a funny way and making a “fool” of himself. Their main goal seemed to use annoying voices and comedy to engage people in their Ad. I feel that many people did enjoy their commercial, and would most likely buy a hat. They gave several situations where a hat is needed. I also agree that Kendal, Derek, Malory, and Lauren’s was good too. Their reference to the Breakfast Club was great in connecting with the audience.

Kendal said...


I agree with you about Tony, Eli, Christina and Jordan's group. I also wrote about their commercial in my blog. I thought it was hilarious and of course everyone loved Eli's "Oh Dee Dee" or whatever he said. They used humor really well in the whole thing, and at the same time managed to drill the name of the store into your mind. It kind of reminded me of the homemade car commercials that you see on TV, which made it even funnier for me.
I'm happy that you thought that my groups commercial also stood out! :-) I know that one of the major faults in our commercial was that we were not clear from the beginning what we were advertising, like you said. It seems like you understood the point that we were trying to get across which is great!