Monday, April 21, 2008

Extending the Context #7 on p. 383

Take a bath everyday so you stay clean and do not smell; hold your utensils like this so you act like a proper young lady; say your prayers at night so you will go to heaven; brush your teeth every morning and right before you go to bed so you won’t get cavities; put nice clothes on when you go out to dinner so you do not look like a slob; say please and thank you so you seem polite to others; treat others like you want to be treated; this is how you make your bed; this is how you set the table; this is how you clean the dishes and put them into the dishwasher; this is how you wash and fold clothes; make your bed everyday; never use profanity or cuss words in front of others; never go anywhere alone at night or walk down a dark street alone; don’t let men hustle you; go to school and do all of your work; brush your hair everyday so it isn’t a rat’s mess; this is how you pick fruit and grow a garden; this is how you clip bushes to keep a maintain yard; sit with your legs crossed.

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