Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Dr. Wade Horn compares how kids can grow up to two airplanes. One airplane always gets people to their destination safely. This is the plane that relates to how a child’s life would be like if they have two parents (father and mother). If a child has mother and father in a healthy marriage, they will have a lesser chance of being a troublemaker and their childhood would be safer without problems. This is the plane that most people would choose since it is more reliable.

The second plane gets people to their location most of the time, but “significantly less than the first”. The second plane is compared to a home that only has one parent. This type of environment is supposedly worse for a child to grow up in. They will be more inclined to be mischievous and end up in juvenile. The child could be abandoned and will not be happy. It is too risky for a kid to be raised in a single-parent environment. Horn is trying to make a point that people should not take the second plane because he believes that the more families there are that have a mother and a father, the better it is for everyone and the community.

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