Sunday, December 9, 2007

Some More Progress..............

Today, I started to write my expository essay. It took me a while to figure out how to start my essay, but once I did, it was easy to write. One thing that made it easy to write was because of my blogs. I referred back to them and used the information I had posted, which was normally the information I knew I wanted to incorporate into my paper. This helped because I did not have to take the time to go through all of my notes about deforestation to find the majority of points I wanted to use. However, there were a few points that I had to refer back to my notes, but fortunately, this did not take too long since I had organized my notes.

I found it hard to decide what points or statistics to use to help each side substantiate their position. There are some percents that refer to the damage that deforestation has done, but they are not exactly saying the same thing. I will have to spend more time evaluating which facts and statistics are more powerful and would make my paper more convincing.

Since I need to use sources besides the internet, I checked out a few books from the library. I found several which present opposing viewpoints on deforestation, global warming, and conserving the environment. Two of these books were fairly recent (2005, 2006), but the book which had more articles specifically related to the vanishing rainforests was published in 1993. I will have to keep these dates in mind when evaluating facts and statistics.

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