Sunday, December 2, 2007

More Progress on Inquiry Project

After more thought, I finally decided what topic I want to do my inquiry project over. I decided that I wanted to do it over the effects of deforestation.

I know that deforestation affects many things. I still need to do much but, the three things I think I am going to focus on are how it affects global warming, how it affects the animals and their habitats, and how it could destroy possible cures for diseases.

This relates to me because I love animals and I do not want the earth’s environment to be destroyed or altered. Also, I am going to Costa Rica for January Term so I can get a hands on experience with deforestation since we are visiting a deforestation site and are going to a rainforest. We will also be planting trees.

I think this is a good choice for me because I am sure that I will not be bored or annoyed after researching this topic.

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