Sunday, December 9, 2007

Some More Progress..............

Today, I started to write my expository essay. It took me a while to figure out how to start my essay, but once I did, it was easy to write. One thing that made it easy to write was because of my blogs. I referred back to them and used the information I had posted, which was normally the information I knew I wanted to incorporate into my paper. This helped because I did not have to take the time to go through all of my notes about deforestation to find the majority of points I wanted to use. However, there were a few points that I had to refer back to my notes, but fortunately, this did not take too long since I had organized my notes.

I found it hard to decide what points or statistics to use to help each side substantiate their position. There are some percents that refer to the damage that deforestation has done, but they are not exactly saying the same thing. I will have to spend more time evaluating which facts and statistics are more powerful and would make my paper more convincing.

Since I need to use sources besides the internet, I checked out a few books from the library. I found several which present opposing viewpoints on deforestation, global warming, and conserving the environment. Two of these books were fairly recent (2005, 2006), but the book which had more articles specifically related to the vanishing rainforests was published in 1993. I will have to keep these dates in mind when evaluating facts and statistics.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Progress- Deforestation=exaggerated

Today, I read some articles in a book called “Global Resources, Opposing Viewpoints.” This was a good source because it gave me some points for the position that rainforests deforestation has been exaggerated and the rainforests are not in great jeopardy.

One of the articles talked about how the statistics and percentages of the destruction of rainforest are not always accurate and how there are false claims by environmentalists. Sometimes statistics include forests, not specifically rainforests. This means that I will probably have to define what a rainforest is in my paper and do further research to make sure the statistics I use are accurate and used properly.

This article also discussed the Amazon’s rainforests. The article said that 12.5% of Amazon’s rainforests that have been deforested are not in the process of regeneration, and that the public needs to be alert about the myth that the Amazon rainforests are endangered by development and deforestation. It even said that “there is a larger percent of the Amazon rainforest intact than there are most other forests in the world”. Another point mentioned was that oceans have a greater impact on global warming than deforestation.

This book gave me helpful information that will help me write the expository essay. The information will help me describe the opposing side.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

More Progress...

I researched more about deforestation today. I searched was a website called Earth Observatory and it was sponsored by NASA.

This was a decent article. It substantiated much of the information that I had from Wikipedia. It also provided some new, useful information. I found out that although tropical forests only cover 7 percent of Earth’s dry land, they are homes to half of all the species on Earth. I thought this was very interesting and made me think how many animals there must be in the rainforest (A LOT). Tropical forests have more species than any other ecosystem.

I also read about how rainforests have plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria that could possibly provide cures for cancer and other diseases. I already knew this, but it can help support my paper. The new thing I learned was that these plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria can improve the yield and nutritional quality of food. Per this article, this could be “crucial for feeding the nearly ten billion people the Earth will likely need to support in coming decades”.

The last piece of information I learned was that that the trees in the Amazon contain more “carbon than 10 years worth of human-produced greenhouse gases”. This means that when people clear the forests with fire, the carbon that is stored in the wood returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. This will increase the greenhouse effect and global warming. In addition, when the forests are cleared for crops or for grazing lands, the soils can become a large source of carbon emissions.

This article gave me some useful information that I will be able to tie into my final paper.


Today, I went to and searched deforestation. The article was beneficial and gave an over view of the topic with statistics and facts.

I learned more about what deforestation is and what effects it has on the environment. I read that not only does it affect the greenhouse effect, but it causes soil erosion, landslides, and run-off. There are several causes for deforestation. They can range from slow forest degradation to sudden and catastrophic clear cutting, slash-and-burn, urban development, acid rain, and wildfires. It can even be caused by grazing animals.

I found several interesting statistic facts. The first fact I found that would be useful in my paper was that one fifth of the world’s tropical rainforest was destroyed between 1960 and 1990. According to Wikipedia, unless significant measures are taken on a world-wide basis to preserve the forests, by 2030 there will only be 10 percent of the forest remaining with another 10 percent in a degraded condition. 80 percent of the forest will have been lost and there would also be a loss of hundreds of thousands species. Wikipedia says that at the rate that deforestation is occurring, all tropical forests may be gone by 2090. I think that these statistics will help make my paper more persuasive.

This website was also useful because it talked about why deforestation could be a positive thing for a region (which would be the opposing side’s opinion). It says that developed and developing countries use the wood to build houses, make paper, and for heating and cooking. They rely on the wood for their economy to be successful.

I still have much more to research to do and I have other sources to read about deforestation, but I think that Wikipedia was a source to start from.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

More Progress on Inquiry Project

After more thought, I finally decided what topic I want to do my inquiry project over. I decided that I wanted to do it over the effects of deforestation.

I know that deforestation affects many things. I still need to do much but, the three things I think I am going to focus on are how it affects global warming, how it affects the animals and their habitats, and how it could destroy possible cures for diseases.

This relates to me because I love animals and I do not want the earth’s environment to be destroyed or altered. Also, I am going to Costa Rica for January Term so I can get a hands on experience with deforestation since we are visiting a deforestation site and are going to a rainforest. We will also be planting trees.

I think this is a good choice for me because I am sure that I will not be bored or annoyed after researching this topic.