Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ideas for Inquiry Contract

I have several ideas about which I could do my inquiry contract. The first issue I thought about was whether abortion should be allowed. This is a hot topic in politics that has much controversy. There are people who are strongly pro-choice, there are those who are strongly pro-life, and then there are many people who are in the middle and do not have strong opinions (most of the time these are men and do not have to think about making the final choice as they will never be pregnant).

The second idea I thought of was whether stem-cells should be used for research. This is also another controversial subject. Some people do not like the idea of using embryos or cloning for research. They do not believe in abortions and they are concerned that cloning might change the nature of the human race. They believe there is a limit to what scientists should do. Other people like the idea of stem-cell research because it will advance medical technology and it might help scientists find new and better treatments.

The last topic that crossed my mind was debating the issue whether America should explore and develop its natural resources, specifically oil, in the Alaskan National Wildlife Preserve (Anwar) and in the Gulf of Mexico. There are two groups at opposite ends: corporate America wants to make a profit and the environmentalists want to protect these areas at all costs. The rising cost of gas prices are causing American citizens to be upset and not have as much money to spend on other needs. Conserving oil is good but would it be justifiable to drill for oil in these areas to keep the cost of gas down and to make us less dependent on foreign oil? Or would this cause us to be less conservative? I know this topic would relate to me because I drive and have to worry about the gas prices. In addition, I am concerned about the environment.

I still have to search more in depth for the right topic, but tomorrow we are getting time to research. I hope I will be able to find a topic that I do not get frustrated with after several months of researching.

1 comment:

Kendal said...


Wow, you are really taking on some big topics here! All of these issues are so important right now, you have a difficult decision to make. All of them are really interesting, and the environmental issue will directly affect you. Stem cell research is another really good one though. That is something that you could be really passionate about. And there is so research you could write about for it. I think you picked topics that are really relevant today, which is good, and makes them more interesting. Good luck writing the paper!