Sunday, November 18, 2007

C.P. Ellis

Ellis’s story offers a credible way of overcoming misunderstanding and hatred between races. Ellis believes the solution to overcoming racial misgivings is to make the groups who are at odds with each other come in contact with one another. By so doing, they will get to know each other and hopefully realize that their prejudices are not well-founded. Through this personal contact, even if it has to be forced upon the individuals, the parties involved will see that stereotypes or labels are often wrong and not based on any valid evidence. For instance, the prejudice may be a result of one’s parents influencing their children to believe that the other race is inferior or hates them. It can also be the result of deciding you do not like the other race because you believe they might take your job away. Sometimes one group might blame the other group as a scapegoat instead of criticizing themselves for the problem. Once the groups have a better understanding of each other through personal contact, they will realize they are human beings with “things in common” (598). For example, they have concerns and feelings about racism, sex education, the qualification of teachers, the value of religion, and making a living. By talking and having a chance to understand each other, Ellis believes the misunderstanding and hatred between races can be overcome.

I believe this solution might work on a large scale as long as there is a way of getting opposing groups to talk to each other and for them to truly believe that through positive interaction there is a chance to start to understand one another. Unfortunately, many people are closed-minded and not willing to change their opinions, no matter what they are told or what they see. If there were some means of having them work for a common goal, such as improving the education of their children as Ellis was involved in, they might be able to break down the barriers of prejudice and be able to begin communication. They must somehow see that even though people have diverse backgrounds and beliefs, they are all human beings with feeling and emotions. They all want to have a chance to succeed and to give their children a better life.

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