Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"World Vision"

The non-profit organization that I am choosing to do my class presentation on is “World Vision”. This group helps more than one billion of the children in the world who live in extreme poverty. It also assists the children’s families and the communities in which they live. This non-profit organization was founded in 1950.

I chose to research and to talk about “World Vision” because of how it helps the children who are in need. The people who want to get involved can do a variety of things to help. They can either donate a dollar a day to their sponsor child, write a letter to one of the sponsor children, or they can just volunteer their time. In my opinion, it seems like it is a great cause and I think I will be able to argue why this organization should get “donor bucks”.

I have read or seen several programs like this advertised on either television or in magazines. When I see what horrible conditions these children have to live in, it makes me want to take action and donate money to help them. In conclusion, I hope my persuasive speech about “World Vision” will convince my classmates that it is the right non-profit organization for them to donate their “donor bucks” to.

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