Tuesday, April 7, 2009

King Lear #3

Although King Lear is portrayed as a tragic figure for whom most readers have empathy by the end of the play, it is curious how he could have been the father to Goneril and Regan, two odious creatures. King Lear must not have been such an honorable and worthy ruler or father during his prime. He must not have set a good example or else these two materialistic daughters would not have turned so easily against him and kicked him out into the cold, leaving him without dignity or his train of servants. What would cause Goneril and Regan to act so vile and serpent-like?

The primary explanation could be that Lear was a self-absorbed, cold and arrogant leader who had no time for his children or family. He ruled like a tyrant and demanded complete obedience and respect. His decisions were never to be questioned. If challenged or if he thought someone was not paying him respect, he would become violent and swept away by his rage. For example, Lear banished Kent, his most loyal courtier, telling him to get out of his sight after Kent had said that his majesty had fallen to folly, implying that Lear was foolish to have divided up his kingdom based on his daughters’ declarations as to how much they loved him. Lear could have been just as upset or incensed by his daughters’ actions. He has trouble controlling his wrath even towards his own daughters. When they heartlessly kick him out of his former kingdom he asks nature to make Goneril, his thankless daughter, sterile or if she were to have a child, he hopes it will bring her only misery. He even banishes his obedient, faithful Cordelia because she will not flatter him to his liking. Later he calls Goneril and Regan “unnatural hags” and says he will find revenge on them that will be “terrors of the earth.” Lear obviously knows nothing about fatherly love or how to be compassionate. Since he does not have these qualities, his daughters probably have not learned these qualities either. Although Cordelia is not hateful like her two older sisters, her love for her father seems to be out of duty and respect because he is her father and king, not because she feels affection for him.

A second cause for the cruelty Goneril and Regan exhibit towards Lear arises from jealousy. They resent the fact that Cordelia is Lear’s favorite daughter. If Lear constantly showed his preference for Cordelia and favored her more, Goneril and Regan might feel so slighted that they would want to get even by hurting their father. This could be one of the reasons they falsely told Lear how much they loved him in order to get part of his kingdom in order to gain power. Once King Lear relinquished his kingdom to them, they could kick him out since they no longer needed him. They verbally abused him as he did to them. Regan stated that he had “ever slenderly known himself” and Goneril said in reference to him “Old fool will be babes again.” They have no use for this old man who lacks insight and is so self-centered. Lear’s two daughters are “a disease that’s in (his) flesh”; they are like “a boil, a plague-sore, an embossed carbuncle in (his) corrupted blood” (2.4. 225-28). There obviously is no love in this relationship. It almost sounds like they detest each other.

Sadly, some children do end up resenting their parents. This could happen for several reasons. Perhaps the parents did not spend valuable time with their children because they were too busy or did not care. Resentment could also occur if the parents treated their children differently by unfairly favoring one of them. Another reason could be that the parents stifled their children by not allowing them to make their own decisions and being able to pursue the career of their choice. Children could also resent their parents because of bad conduct. The parents might abuse their children, either physically or verbally. They might even have alcohol or drug addictions that cause them to behave irrationally or meanly towards their children. Children naturally want to please and be respected by their parents so it is important that parents establish a trusting relationship where the parents set a good example. This was not the case with King Lear and to a large part is why he is a tragic figure.

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