Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brave New World Blog 4

I find a utopia to be bad, disruptive, and disturbing. Even though all the citizens are happy and do not have to worry about war, they do not have freedom or the chance to be an individual. Everyone is a twin and they are not allowed to think for fear it would mess up their society. People would not be able to exercise their minds. The citizens are not allowed to think philosophically or about science because they are afraid their system would fall apart. Also, they are encouraged to sleep with many people and to not have a steady relationship with anyone. This is so they do not get attached to a person (or start feeling emotions) and so it keeps their mind from thinking about the society.

They do not realize their situation because they do not know any better or of any other ways of living. They are always being told their lives are good and that they are happy. In addition, they are all the same with no diversity. Because their society is not diverse, it cannot improve and there will not be any new innovations. There aren’t any chances to be different. If they are different, they are looked down upon and are sent to an outside island to make sure they do not disrupt the society. Also, they do not realize how unfair their situation is. Once they are born, they are stuck into a class, whether it is the upper-class (alpha) or the lower-class (epsilon). They cannot work hard and chance their social status. They do not realize they don’t have any freedom and that the leaders are the ones who determine their destiny.

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