Sunday, May 11, 2008

Joe's Desires

I agree with Joe and his desire to be as an exhibit to a certain extent. He wants people to come and view him since he is very unique. He just wants the human contact because he only he feels the presence of the doctors and nurses. He wants more than that so he can feel alive. If people would come and visit him, then he would not be lonely. However, by doing this he is making himself somewhat of an exhibition. He would be put on display and anyone and everyone would be able to look at him. He would not know what they were saying or thinking about him. He would be like an animal in the zoo, always being watched.

I’m not sure if I would want it or not. I bet if I were in that situation I would be desperate enough to put myself on display just so I would not feel alone. However, I would hate the feeling that people would be staring at me and judging me when they did not actually know me since I could not talk, speak, see, or hear.

1 comment:

Derek Rodriguez said...

Hey Katie!

Good blog. I think you examine the factual events of the book very well but then prove to push it further with concepts that are very intruiging. I really agree with the part about the zoo animal. If he proved to actually become what he wants to, and go on show then he is lowering himself to subhuman standards. Maybe he is feeling like this would be a step up from how he is currently living but I can imagine it will only be more damaging to him in the long run. Secondly, something I didn't think about but really like in your blog was that he would be unable to know how people are reacting. He wouldn't be ablee to see their faces or hear their comments. He would in know way be able to understand what the people around him are thinking and this would drive me crazy!

Anyways, I enjoyed your blog and I thought it had alot of thoughtful comments! Great job.
