Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wal-Mart Pizza Commercial

Tonight, I was watching the Lifetime channel with my mom. It took me awhile to find a commercial that I thought would be good to write about, but finally one attracted my attention.

It was a commercial about the pizza at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was advertising that its pizza not only tasted delicious, but it was inexpensive and would make a great meal. The commercial was directed at the people who cook in their households, mainly at wives or mothers, who are trying to decide what food to get for dinner or for parties. It also appealed to everyone else who lived in the households, and especially targeted teenagers to ask their mothers to buy the pizza.

The commercial started off by showing family members or friends all sitting in a family room. They were all nervous, antsy, and some were biting their nails. However, once the wife/woman got the pizza out of the oven and showed it to them, they became lively and happy. They were cheering and jumping for joy. They even said how the wife/woman was their hero. This suggested that if people buy this pizza from Wal-Mart they can become heroes in their family/friends’ eyes. Wal-Mart probably chose to advertise pizza and make references to heroes since the Super Bowl is coming up. The ad wants people to buy their pizza at Wal-Mart, instead of say Pizza Hut or Donatos, by stressing how it tastes great and saves money.

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